Join Form

Before joining please read the rules, Used names and guide sections
Those fields marked with a * are necessary.

Member Information

*Your name:     
*E-mail address:     
Previous Pern clubs:     
How many pern books have you read:     
Current Characters:     
*Age (unfortunatly this is a PG14 club):     

Persona Information

*Persona Name:     
*Gender:     Female    Male
*Age (Useful when it comes to blue and green dragonriders and candidates!):     
*Birthingday (How else can i change your characters age lol, there are 13 months and 29 days to each, plus turns end and turns begginning):     Day    Month
Rank/Craft (if any, you can have up to 2, but only one higher than apprentice status):     
*Current Location (there are traders in this club):     
If other please explain:     

Place of Birth (The south was only colonised in the last 7 turns in our story so anyone older than that must have been born in the north):     

Identifying Marks:     




Friends & Family:

Other Information:

Send Character Pic (You can just e-mail me one later if you wish):

Dragon Rider Information (Only fill in if your persona is a dragon rider)

*Dragon Name:     
*Dragon Age:     
*Dragon Rider Rank (You can not be a weyrwoman or weyrleader as these are awarded):     
Hatching date (see Clutch charts) Do not fill in if you are a transfer:     
Parents (do not fill in for transfers):     
Transfer?:     Yes



Dolphin Information (Only fill in if your persona is a dolphineer)

*Dolphin Name:     
*Dolphin Age:     
Gender:     FemaleMale



Pet information (you can have up to 3 pets but only 2 firelizards whatchwhers count as metalic firelizards)

Pet#1 Name:     
Pet#1 Type:     
If other please explain:     
If Firelizard What colour:     
Pet#1 Age:     

Pet#1 Description:

Pet#2 Name:     
Pet#2 Type:     
If other please explain:     
If Firelizard What colour:     
Pet#2 Age:     

Pet#2 Description:

Pet#3 Name:     
Pet#3 Type:     
If other please explain:     
Pet#3 Age:     

Pet#3 Description:

Thank you for your interrest in this club, I should get back to you within 1 week. Please be patient.

There have been a few problems with the site so if it takes longer than this please e-mail me at and ask whether or not I recieved the form, please give the name of the character you created and your name!