Rank descriptions
Apprentice training

General Information

Men with special skills in metalworking, weaving, animal husbandry, farming, fishing, and mining formed Crafthalls in each large Hold and looked to one Master-crafthall where the precepts of their craft were taught and craft skills were preserved and guarded from on generation to another. One Lord Holder could not deny the products of the Crafthall situated in his Hold to others since the Crafts were deemed independent of a Hold affiliation. Each Craftmaster of a hall owed allegiance to the Master of his particular craft – an elected office based on proficiency in the craft and on administrative ability. The Mastercraftsman was responsible for the output of his craft products on a planetary rather than parochial basis.
Taken from various Pern Prologues

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If I have forgotten a craft please e-mail me at The crafts are given in alphabetical order alone no order of rank presented.

Also if you would like to add to these pages any more information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Some of the colours listed I have had to make up myself so if you know that any are wrong and you know the proper colour please tell me.

Major crafts
Craft Description of craft Colours Master-crafthall (southern continent) Master-craftsman (southern continent)
Dolphineer Rescuers of those at sea, advanced storm warnings, guides for ships, help for seacrafters Blue/grey Cliff Rock Hold Onelin
Farmers Grow crops for food, medicine and other such uses Corn yellow n/a n/a
Harpers Musicians, singers, archivists, teachers, storytellers, artists, message drummers and advisers Bright French blue n/a n/a
Healers The docters and nurses of Pern taking care of the sick and infirm Purple n/a n/a
Herders Animal husbandry, farmers of bovine, ovine, and runner beasts (some specialise in runners) Ocher n/a n/a
Miners Minecraft will mine anything from coal and metal to gems and most important during pass firestone, each Minecrafthall is usually devoted to a particular type of mining though some may have more than one. Black and Silver Deep Mountain Hold n/a
Seacrafters Fishers, and people who study the sea and its currents, tides and storms etc. Sea Blue Cliff Rock Hold n/a
Smiths Metal workers, and metal based equipment including flamethrowers, buckles etc. Forge red n/a n/a
Weavers Makers of fabric, clothing, any sort of fabric based trade Lavender n/a n/a
Minor crafts
Craft Description of craft Colours Master-crafthall (southern continent) Master-craftsman (southern continent)
Beasthealers Specialist healers careing for animals, vetinary healers Orange n/a n/a
Dragonhealers The specialist healers that keep dragons alive and healthy while fighting thread, and help the with other injuries Gold n/a n/a
Runners Runners carry messages and small packages across the surface of Pern, their crafthalls are called stations, which are placed across Pern, with one major station in charge. Deep Green n/a n/a
Tanners Work with leather in all its forms, including dragonrider leather riding gear, riding straps occasionally although these tend to be produced by dragonriders themselves Tan n/a n/a
Traders Though not technically a craft as it has no halls, or journeymen or such like it is however as important as any craft. These transport the tithes to the weyr, they trade in knowledge, information, and goods and provide a mail service at a minor fee. They are the only people of Pern with a second name, which is the name of the caravan, usually run by a family with crafters and other holdless traders around, they also transport people from one location to another. n/a n/a n/a
Vintners Produce the wine and alcohol from fermented grapes that Pernese like to drink! Dark red Nikeran Hold Lonac
Woodcrafters Not only woodcutters for practcal use such as caravans but also specialist carvers, who will carve anything from toys to beautiful pieces of art Brown n/a n/a

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Rank Age Duties
MasterCraftsman 36+ responsible for the output of his craft products on a planetary rather than parochial basis. An elected office based on proficiency in the craft and on administrative ability.
Master 30+ A Master of any craft usualy has a particular specialisation, or area for which he is in charge of, such as a harper voicemaster.
Sr. Journeyman 24+ Journeyman crafters after they have graduated from apprentiship, they have various duties associated with their craft, many are teachers to other apprentices. Or people who move around trading their craft for whatever they need wherever they go, most stay at a crafthall and practice their craft.
Jr. Journeyman 18-24 Junior journeyman are newly graduated Journeymen who do the same duties as senior journeyman but simply less repsonsibilty.
Sr. Apprentice 15-18 Senior apprentices are in there last 3 turns of apprentiship, where they are likely to choose specialisations and complete the final parts of their training, as well as taking on minor duties
Jr. Apprentice 13-15 New apprentices still in their first two turns, they usual have a lot of the halls less pleasant tasks, and are mostly learning the rudiments and important parts of their chosen craft.

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Apprentice training

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