Title: |
Location (an abbreviation of locations is below): |
Persona(s) (You must include all PC's participating in the writing of the story): |
Date (can be found on the 'weather & date page'): |
Weather (found on same page as date): |
Notes: |
Date released: |
~~~~~~ |
(body of story) |
~~~~~~ |
(signature block should contain:)
Your name The names, ranks & locations of all you characters ;Your e-mail address (how else can people send comments!) |
/between/ | For writing about the dragons /between/ |
_emphasis_ | To make a point more serious or stressed |
**Thought** | Human thoughts and human to dragon speach |
:{Speach}: | Dragon speach |
~~flits~~ | Firelizard speach (firelizards speak in ideas) |
CAPITALS | for SHOUTING or otherwise inmportant comments |
...whisper... messages | For whispering or paused speach (e.g. stuttering) |